Beyond the Basics: Embracing Colourful Living Spaces


In the world of interior design, colour is often hailed as the cornerstone of creativity, the brushstroke that adds depth, personality, and vibrancy to every space. At The Space Within, we believe in going beyond the basics, transcending traditional colour norms to create living spaces that are as unique and dynamic as the individuals who inhabit them. Join us on a journey into the liberating world of colour, where every hue tells a story and invites you to live boldly and authentically within your home.


Beyond the psychology of colour

We know that colour has a profound impact on our mood and the atmosphere of the spaces we inhabit. But, gone are the days of simply choosing colours based on trends, psychology or resale value. Instead, we encourage our clients to embrace colour across its full spectrum and design for joy, comfort, and self-expression. After all, your home should be a reflection of who you are, a sanctuary that elevates and inspires you each day.

One of the most exciting aspects of working with colour is exploring unconventional palettes and unexpected combinations. Take, for example, the daring use of pink in the entryway of our Seaforth project created for a family with 3 boys. Far from being saccharine, this unexpected colour infuses the space with warmth and personality, setting the tone for the rest of the home. (And, while looking on trend now, this was designed before Barbie-core took over!)


In our Rhythm & Blues project, we embraced the allure of harmonious hues, using welcoming shades of blue to create a gracious and inviting atmosphere. Monochromatic colour schemes, such as this one, have the power to invite the senses and evoke a sense of harmony and balance within a space, particularly important for an energetic family with two young boys!


Beyond the technical aspects of colour theory, our design philosophy revolves around creating spaces that resonate with our clients on a deeper level. We believe in designing for the individual, not the market. Your home should be a reflection of your unique sense of style and personality, a canvas upon which you can express yourself freely.

So, why settle for safe colours when you can embrace the full spectrum of possibilities? Let your imagination run as you explore the endless palette of colours waiting to transform your living spaces. Whether you're drawn to fresh and playful hues or prefer moody and sophisticated tones, there's a world of possibilities waiting to be discovered.


ready to transform your home?

At The Space Within, we're passionate about helping our clients unlock the true potential of their homes through thoughtful and inspired design. So why not take the leap and embrace the transformative power of colour? 

Let us help you create a home that not only looks beautiful but feels like you in every shade and hue. After all, life is too short for beige walls and cookie-cutter design. Dare to live in colour and let your home be a reflection of the vibrant, dynamic person you are.

Live, Beyond Ordinary. 


Studio - BTSKate Warren